How Often Does Your Credit Score Update?

how often does your credit score update
Published by: Ricky Ingram
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According to Transunion,  45 days is the response to the question of how often the credit score updates. Besides, it is possible to get an 800 credit score or higher if you continue to work on it. It is essential because your score is typically the first thing lenders notice when deciding to approve or reject your loan request. Don’t just check your credit score or credit report, work on it.

If you are concerned about a low score or worried about why it is different every time you check it, then this is the right article for you. We’ll talk all about credit score changes, credit accounts, credit card balances, and even tax.

How Often does the Credit Score Update?

The duration may also vary depending on the report you’re referring to. There are three main bureaus that people refer to when checking their scores. These are TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian.

You can check scores updates on official websites and even ask the bureaus to update reports if there is incorrect or missing information on them.

We must, however, mention that credit scores are just like thumbprints, i.e.: scoring models differ and it is common for there to be minor differences between the results reported by two agencies. The idea is simple, your credit score changes when your lender reports any lending or loan activity. Nevertheless, the dilemma is that the result is not immediate or in real-time.

Bureaus have to follow a process to ensure the data that they have received is valid. The entire process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Things can get complicated if there’s missing or incorrect information as it may cause the bureau to stop the process, contact third parties for verification, and then resume the process so that the new information can go into your report.

How Often do Credit Reports Update?

In the majority of cases, these reports alter at least once a month since most lenders report monthly data. However, there might be more changes if you have taken a lot of loans. Similarly, there might be no changes if you have a single loan that doesn’t require monthly payments.

Remember that credit score changes based on your lending activity. If there’s none, there might be no change in your score.

How Often Do Creditors Report to Bureaus?

There can be no single answer to this question; however, as mentioned earlier, most creditors including card issuers and lenders report on a monthly basis. You may see FICO scores updated notes about every 45 days.

It is common for creditors to report on the same day as the closing date given on your statement. However, some may report less often. Furthermore, not all lenders report to all three bureaus.

It is best that you ask your provider for clarification. Their answer can help you figure out how often credit scores update. For example, Capital One reports to the credit bureaus within three days after the closing statement.

How does Rapid Rescore Work?

As mentioned earlier, it can take weeks for the scores to change. Not everyone can wait this long as some people are in a hurry.

Since even a small change in your credit score can turn out to be very beneficial, it is common for people to want to speed things up. This is where ‘rapid rescore credit’ comes into play. It refers to a service used by lenders to get your reports updated quickly.

When you want to apply for a loan, you want things to be quick. Not everyone can wait for the credit score to update, especially if they are expecting it to improve. Similarly, creditors want to be sure the client’s score they see is the latest and most reliable. In such situations, instead of waiting for the latest numbers, your lender can assist you to update the info in your credit report within a few days.

The main goal of this service is to obtain an improved higher score by updating your lending history. It is common for lenders to suggest people try this service if it means more favorable terms or a lower interest rate.

By using this technique, you can get a credit score update in just a few days and move on to request a loan. Your updated score, if better, can help you save money and get more loan possibilities.

5 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

5 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Now that you know all about timings, it is time to talk about updating credit information. Before we talk about the tips, let’s have a look at the aspects that can impact your score:

  • Your payment history
  • Outstanding amounts
  • The length of your credit history
  • Credit and borrowing types
  • New loan inquiries and accounts

Keeping these factors under control can help improve your credit score. Here are some tips:

Get Rid of Debts

If you are serious about improving your score, then make sure to pay down your debts. Debt is a silent killer and can really impact your financial standing. Plus, the longer you hold it, the more you’ll have to pay in interest. Whether it is credit card debt, a car loan, or a mortgage, make timely payments and see if you have the option to get rid of it earlier. However, remember it can take a little while for your credit score to update after paying off debt. If you want to know how fast your score goes up after paying debt, then it is best to consult the creditor or bureau since that changes from organization to organization.

Do Not Close Old Accounts

This might sound odd to some but getting rid of your old accounts can harm your score. Doing so can damage the length of your credit history while also reducing the amount of credit available to you as fewer accounts mean a raise in your overall utilization, often to a point that may negatively impact your score.

Consider Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation refers to combining several debts into one so that you have lower monthly payments to take care of. The opinion on debt consolidation, however, is divided as it can temporarily dent your credit score but it can be a very beneficial option in the long run and can be a great option for people who find it difficult to make monthly payments.

Avoid New Loans or Credit

Avoid applying for new loans for as long as you can. This includes credit cards since consistently or frequently requesting new loans can increase your limits and make you look like a ‘credit seeker.’ This can harm your prospects as lenders do not like to issue loans to applications that have been labeled ‘credit seekers’ as they are considered risky prospects. This also means if your loan application gets approved, you might have to pay a higher rate and accept unfavorable terms, which may eventually end up damaging your credit score.

Consider Credit Repair

Credit repair involves reviewing your credit report for misinformation, incorrect data, and missing numbers to ensure it is correct. This is crucial because according to a Federal Trade Commission study, about 20 percent of people have one or more errors on at least one of their reports. Credit repair can help you identify and remove these errors to improve your score.


This is all you need to know about updating credit information and making changes in reporting. Remember that things change from organization to organization. A Credit Karma update, for example, may take longer than TransUnion. Besides, you have the possibility to entrust the matter to professionals like Lexington Law that will help you with the repair process.

Ricky Ingram

Founder of Credit Repair Partner. I worked in the credit repair industry for about 10 years. I love, helping people become smarter about their credit and finances.

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